

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Living Like A Child Of God

Last night, I experienced something truly amazing and eye opening.
I was babysitting for this family that I truly adore. They have two little girls, 2 & 4 years old. As I was putting the oldest to bed, she reminded me that we had to say our prayers.
I prayed first then I sat and listened as this precious 4 year old girl was talking and having a conversion with our Heavenly Father. Even though she was very quiet and I missed some of the words, it was the sweetest thing I have ever heard.

As I was driving home, I began to think about why as we grow up, we stray away from having childlike faith? Why do we suddenly think that we know better and become selfish in many aspects of our life? God NEVER changes, He is still the same as He was years ago when we were young children. So what happened?

Children are very interesting (or at least to me.) They LOVE to be independent but they also rely so much on the adults around them. They love to make decisions on their own like what clothes to wear, or what they want to drink in their sippy cup, but they solely rely on their parents to give them the things they need. How can we, as children of God, live in such a way that we are like young children? God is calling and reaching out to us to just trust Him! Why is that so hard for us?

In Matthew 18, verses 3 & 4, Jesus says
             "I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven"

Maybe you are like me, I really need to learn to trust God wholeheartedly with every part of my life. I want to be like a young child again, and run into the arms of Jesus. I need Jesus, I need Him to take over my life, I need to stop being selfish and only giving Him the parts of my life that I want to. Are you like this? If so, join me this week and really striving to live with childlike faith. Run into your Father's arms and give Him every part of your life. We need to stop focusing on "who can have the best prayer in sunday school" or "who sounds more knowledgeable," we just need to worry about living a life that is glorifying God!
