

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Where I left part of my heart pt 3

A year ago today, I was in Guatemala!! 

When our teams got split up, I was apart of the team A and the team that had to move locations. We drove for awhile to our new location. We ended up in this little area that was fenced off with just land. We were going to be building two houses. One of the houses was for the grandmother of the family, and the other house would be for her daughter and granddaughter. We worked really hard for the next two days to get the houses finished and to make lifelong relationships with this family. The houses we built were very interesting. They were made with just wood and tin.We were led by, Samuel (Sam-Well), a Guatemalan who helped mission teams build these houses. He was hilarious because he was such a perfectionist and it was hard for us to understand sometimes what he wanted because of the language barrier. He would just look at things and shake his head and say "aye yi yi." When I was making post holes, he walked over and looked in my hole and said "aye yi yi, theres China!!" We finished the two houses in two days. The picture above is the kids that were on our site. I got really close with the girl on the right. When we were leaving they were screaming adios and waving. Telling them bye before that was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. While trying to keep my composure in front of them, it was time to get in the vans. Right when I looked at them from the van, I lost it. As my friends were comforting me, the girl ran up to my window and gave me her bracelet and gave me a huge hug. As you can imagine, I really lost it at that point. It meant the world to me that she wanted to share something of hers with me. 


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