

Friday, February 20, 2015

Dear Mr. Right...

In the past year or so, I have been thinking a lot about my future husband. I mean a lot. I could sit and think/dream for hours about my future and wondering who it is going to be with. I can only hope and pray that each day I am getting closer to that time where I can either meet or reunite with the love of my life and begin our love story together. Does it ever just blow your mind that you most likely know your future spouse already? That's so creepy to me, and I want to know who it is! 

Anyways, as I am going along my journey to love, I found a great idea that has helped me through the good and rough patches. I'm not sure where I heard this idea, but I wanted to share it with you.

I started writing letters in a journal to my future husband for him to read when we get married. At first, it was a little awkward and seemed weird to write to someone whom I'm not sure who they are just yet, but I began to love it. Whenever I am having a rough day and my heart hurts, I just write a letter to my husband. It has really helped me rationalize it instead of it really being just a dream. 

In the journal entry's, I will start the header off with something cheesy, then I will just write a letter saying that I was thinking about him today or whatever was going on in my mind and then I may end it with a prayer for both of us. 

At first, I was hesitant about writing a blog post about this because I want to make sure that it something special for us but I have heard and seen a lot of girls upset and losing hope that God has someone out there for them and I wanted to share something that has helped me so much along the way.

I hope this helps you today if you are feeling a little impatient about the future. God has a plan for you and for me. We just have to hold on to His Truths!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

In Christ Alone, My Hope Is Found

Do you ever have a point in your life when you feel like you've hit a dead end in your life and you have a few alternate routes you can take? Well, I'm at this point in my life right now. As you may know, in the past two months my life has changed dramatically. From being on-the-go 24/7 and not having enough time in the day to do everything I hoped, to now having free time all day every day and doing nothing but working a few hours a day. 

One thing that is different the past few months is i'm not in school right now. If you read my last blog post, you read that I was considering going to Real Estate school. Since then, I have decided that I'm not going to go that route. I don't feel like that's what I want to do. I am really really missing college. So with that being said, I am planning on going back to the University of Memphis in the summer or in the fall! AND I AM SO EXCITED. I really miss school and everything about it, and I feel like these past few weeks are just dragging on. 

I feel like my life is really on pause right now. Everything that use to be normal for me has either ended or is on hold at the moment. I'm really struggling right now to give everything to God. I just wish that God was physically here to hold me and give me a hug when I need it. I've been feeling really alone lately, and I just want to fix everything for myself, but I need to give it to God and pray for His will. But it's just really hard. I've found myself lying around before I go to work, then after work I come home and mope around. I can't find any joy right now. I know that my sadness is only temporary, and I am clinging on to God.

I have also been clinging onto this inspiring verse in Romans. I can't wait to see the Joy that is coming in my future! God holds the key to my future :)