

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Christ > "Mr. Right"

Recently, there have been marriages, engagements, and new relationships everywhere. I feel like every day there is another person I know that is getting engaged or having a baby. It's very exciting but also makes you question where God is taking your life. 

I recently wrote a blog post a few months back about writing and journaling to Mr. Right. Since then, I have struggled a little more than usual about what God has planned for me. Honestly, I haven't been journaling & writing letters to him anymore because sometimes I really wonder if there will be a Mr. Right. I feel like right now college is such a hard placed in life to try and find your soulmate. On campus, there are potential guys everywhere, walking around, in your classes, or in line behind you at the UC. But none of them have the same goals as I do. It seems like guys are just ready for a one night stand hook up type deal, or they are all about frat parties and drinking. And to me, that's not something I'm looking for. I'm looking for someone who will bring out the best in me, someone who will read the Bible with me and help me grow in my relationship with Christ but also will spend occasional Friday nights talking and binge watching Netflix. Right now, I have a lot physically going on that I need someone to help support me with.  I feel like recently, God has just been really taking a hold of my heart and putting back together all the broken pieces while telling me that even though everyone around me seems to be worried about relationships, that it's not what I need to be doing. I can be happy for my friends but also be happy for where God has me at the moment. I'm excited for where the road takes me, I know it will be great because I know who holds my future. And I am PERFECTLY okay with that :) It breaks my heart seeing girls recently settling for someone who doesn't help them grow, someone who doesn't cherish them and they stay with them just because the fear of being lonely and single.

Girls, join me and allowing God to take over our hearts let's grow deeper in Him and let him prepare us to give our hearts to someone who will cherish us and be honored to have us. Stop settling for guys who do the opposite. God has a plan and let's rejoice and be glad it in! :)
I hope this encourages you to not try and find happiness in just any guy but in the One who holds our future in His hands.

lots of love, Steph

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