

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

To The Christian Who Has A Hard Time Trusting When Things Are Hard

Some days I just feel in my heart that I need to write a blog post, and today is one of those days. I have no idea where this post is going to go, but when my heart is aching writing always seems to make it better.

As a Christian, I know deep down that everything is a part of God's plan and that everything will work out according to His plan. But some days, it is so hard to whole heartedly believe that. Some days your heart just aches, and you wish God was there to just wrap His arms around you and hold you while you cry. The past few days have been those days where I need God's arms wrapped around me. 

The past few days have been a whirlwind of emotions, I feel like my body has not had time to process everything. I want to be completely honest, since Friday, I have slacked off on my quiet time and my prayers. I know that I need to spend time with the Lord, and that He will give me the comfort I need... but I just can't. 

Why is it when we are struggling, we tend to forget about the ultimate Comforter and the Prince of Peace? Why is it so hard to trust God's plan when things are difficult? Shouldn't those times be when we long to hear from Him and want to spend time with Him? 

In this season of my life, I am really struggling with the fact that God only places people in our life for a season... it hurts. It makes it so hard for me to trust; to trust people and to trust Him. It kills me when I finally start to trust someone and get to know them, and then they were only meant to be there for a season. It's hard but I have to be quick to look into the situation and see where God's hand was there. What was God teaching me? What did I learn? From what I learned, what can I use in the future?

1 Chronicles 16:11 says Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face always

I love what this verse is saying, but it also cuts like a knife... sometimes it is extremely difficult to seek His face always. Sometimes we doubt God's plan, we doubt His goodness. We wonder what we are doing with our life and where we need to go next. We wish there was a hotline number that we could call, to talk to God and ask Him all of our burning questions. As our hearts are aching, we want Him to be here, right beside us. To tell us what to do. But then we read the stories in the Bible, do any of them have a bad ending? Does God ever abandon His children and leave them there to handle things on their own? No, God is ALWAYS with us, through the good and the bad. In the hard times, this is when we need to remind ourselves the most that God NEVER LEAVES OR FORSAKES US!!! In Hebrews 13:5, God clearly says "I will never leave you for forsake you."

Even in these difficult times, we have to be adamant about reminding ourselves the truth, we have to believe whole heartedly that God is good and true, His plans are far better than any plan we have for ourselves. 

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