

Thursday, September 11, 2014

"I'm so glad I go to the U of M"

Last week I started my Sophomore year at the University of Memphis. Well, if you want to be technical with credit hours and all that good stuff, I'm a 2 year Freshman. Yay me, all because of one bad semester.. If you wanna know about what happened click here to read my post about it. These past few weeks have been so crazy that I haven't had time to just sit down, relax, and have some time for myself. I have constantly been on the go, therefore I haven't had time to blog. Sorry!

 A few weeks ago I moved into my apartment with 3 of my best friends! We moved into an apartment right down the street from campus. I love it so far! It's the perfect distance to my classes. Since I quite a lazy person, I planned on driving to the General Permit parking places. I drove to ONE class on the first day and it took me 20 MINUTES to find a parking spot.. 20!! So after that class I booked it back to my car and decided from that moment on I will walk to classes. Surprisingly, it's not a bad walk at all. It's about 7-10 minutes to my classes. Thankfully, all (but 1) of my classes are right on the side of campus where the street that I walk down from my apartment meets with campus!! I kinda love our apartment, we all have our own separate rooms and two of us share a bathroom. It is slowly coming together, I cleaned last night so I could take pictures for y'all!!

 Here's my bed!! I love love love my bed. I think because of the price I got it for!! It was originally $89 at Bed Bath and Beyond and I got it for $39!! The fitted sheet was a twin size when it's suppose to be a Full/Queen so I guess someone returned it so they put it back out on the shelf for 50% off then I had a 20% off coupon!! I still haven't found anything to put over my bed and also over my desk. Like I said, it's still a work in progress ;)

The bookshelf is my favorite part of my room so far, I just love it!!

These next pictures are the things that are on my book shelf.

My vase that I got from the new At Home store. It goes 
perfectly with my room and my color scheme!

So after a few days, my grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousins, and my great aunt wanted to come and see my apartment. So we all jumped in our cars and headed to the sweet humble abode. 
hen we all got there we all jumped on the elevator to head up to my apartment, yes you read that right.. all 12 of us were on one elevator. We were fine going up but on our way back down we got stuck. What better quality time with your family than being stuck in an elevator?? After around 30 minutes finally the fire department came to save us! Don't you just love little Drew's face? Poor thing was so freaked out!

Also last week, I started as the new Extended Care teacher at work. I was so nervous about this because I have always been a floater so I was not only going to have my own room but I also was going to be by myself. On average I had about 12 four year olds to myself. It was very very stressful. The kids were very rambunctious and hard of hearing. (not really but it sure seemed like it) They would not listen to anything I said and would run around screaming. By the 4th day, I was so fed up. I had a horrible week at school and this was not helping. I was well over my breaking point and I did actually end up losing it. The office knew that I was having a tough time so they put someone else with me and right when she walked through that door I knew that was my cue to go to the bathroom to calm myself down. When I went to the bathroom someone saw that I was upset and gave me a hug and you know when that happens you can't hold the tears back anymore. So long story short, I'm not the extended care teacher anymore. They thought that it would be best if I went back to being the floater (mostly in 2's) because that's where I seemed the most happy. I was really upset. I feel like a failure. Even though I know that everyone can't be good at everything.. I just feel like I messed up.

Well thats my past two weeks in a nutshell. Hope y'all have a great day!!

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