

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Metaxi take on Christmas

Christmas has officially hit the Metaxas house!! 

And I am so excited! I don't think I can contain my excitement. But before I jump into Christmas, I will go ahead and update you on what has been doing on since my last post. 

I have been so busy with school and with work that I feel like I don't have anytime to do anything else. This past week has been absolutely crazy and I am so happy I made it out alive! My schedule every day went: first school, work, then going to the apartment to work on homework. This past week is like a trick that professors all planned that was to make every major assignment due. I think I had a major asignment due this week in every single one of my classes. It was crazy, but I successfully completed every assignment and had them turned in on time! That's a huge thing for me ;) Yesterday was a sad day at Trafalagar and especially for me. One of my beautiful two year olds in my class left our center and yesterday was her last day. I told myself over and over that morning that I would not cry because its not the end of the world. Well guess what, I cried. Like a baby. Thankfully, I held it in till her and her mother left then it all came out. I will miss that sweet girl so much. That was the first time that I really realized how much I love these kids and my job and also about how I get attached to things really easily :)  

I guess the only other thing is CHRISTMAS! Today, we pulled out all of our Christmas stuff. I know it's a sin to do this before Christmas and that's what I kept telling my parents but they didn't listen. We pulled out our huge 12 foot Christmas tree and its beautiful. It may just be one of my favorite things in our house right now. It literally took 20-30 minutes to get all the ornaments. To do this we had to use the stairs, each others shoulders, and a ladder. It was quite a sight. 

We also put out our other Christmas tree that goes in our living room and our stockings. My dad and sister came down stairs with some boxes and Anna said "Steph you're stocking is lost. We can't find it.." How sweet right? I move into an apartment and now my stocking is "lost." So our mantle has 5 stocking holders and 4 stocking holders, including my dog's stocking. :( 

We also spent some time outside watching my mom pull weeds. Chloe and I tried to act busy so we didn't have to help with the yard work. Isn't she so cute? Look at that cute snaggle tooth. It gives her character  :) It's about to be her 10th birthday :( She's getting so old.

I hope ya'll have a great week! I'll post some more this week with some of our family traditions. What does you and your family do for the holiday season?

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