

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New year New goals

A new year brings new goals, new plans, and new memories. I've never been one to really make new year resolutions because everyone knows that they are basically impossible to keep and they are just fun to think about. This year instead of making a new resolution, I've decided to make some goals that I plan on doing through out the new year. (thanks to some youtubers for the inspiration)

Here are my goals that I plan to achieving throughout the year of 2015:

1. Read at least 10 books throughout the year.

I have never been a huge book reader  I do enjoy to read when I get into the mood and when I       find a good book or a good series. I want to start readings more books and hopefully at least 10 during the year. 

2. Blog more 

Yay I know you're probably excited about this one. Yes I plan on blogging more, I just haven't had the time recently to blog. I have been working on the same blogpost since before thanksgiving, I just keep forgetting or I have nothing to add to it. I want to try and blog at least once a week. Hopefully I can succeed!

3. Declutter and organize my life

If you know me well, you know my whole life is a mess. I can't keep anything nice and/or clean. I am always losing something. I got paid right before Christmas, and I just found that check yesterday... It was lost for about 3 weeks. That's how my whole life is!! I just recently moved back home (blog post about that coming up) and so everything is a huge mess right now. You'll see in the future post ;) but I just want to declutter EVERYTHING my closet, my car, my purses everything! I just am need of a huge deep cleaning

4. Organize

This kind of goes with the last goal, AFTER decluttering everything I am then going to organize it. My life is just needing some huge organization 

5. "Me day"

I want to have at least one day a week that I just have time to myself. I think that I have really been struggling to just sit back and relax. I am always on the go, and sometimes my health really suffers  from that. Sometimes I need to just say no sometimes because I can't do everything. (If you're confused on what I'm saying about my health or just need a refresher, here is my blog post about my life with POTS. 

6.  Be more creative 

I want to start doing more crafts. I love painting, sewing, knitting, scrapbooking and others. But only enough, I NEVER do any of these things anymore. Sorta like my last goal, I never have time. So hopefully on my "me day" I will just relax and work on crafts. I also would like to go to some creative classes or like yoga classes. Tell me some of the fun creative things you do!

That's all of my goals for right now! I didn't want to add so many that they would be hard to achieve!! See yall next week ;) cause I promise I'll blog next week!

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