

Friday, January 23, 2015

Moment of Truth

I just want to take a minute to tell you that college is NOT for everyone. Not only is it not for everyone, but sometimes it is not the right time for some people to attend college. I believe that college is shoved and demanded on so many high school students, when it shouldn't be. Now don't get my wrong here, college is very important, and I respect the ones who are in college for 6+ years, getting all types of degrees and things but I do not think that college should be shoved onto people like it is. In high school, a student's junior and senior year revolves solely on college applications, ACT scores, and scholarships. Everyone is competing about getting into the best school, getting the highest ACT score, and getting the most scholarships.

 Let me just take a moment and tell you how much I dislike the ACT. I despise that stupid test. For people with ADD and test anxiety, this thing is from the guy downstairs. You sit in a chair for a couple hours with a booklet and score sheet that determines your future. They expect this test to accurately show how intelligent someone is, but if you're like me the test results were far from the truth. I took the ACT at least 7 times, spent countless hours in ACT prep classes, and I still didn't manage to get a score high enough to get the HOPE scholarship. I was so over that dumb inaccurate test. I could not focus to save my life. I was so focused on I might run out of time then I would panic. Trust me, it was bad. I was that girl that shook her leg, tapped her pencil, and needed a tissue all during the test. Yep that's me.

If you didn't already catch on, I am one of those that is not made for college, or at least not at the moment. I am currently taking a semester off at the University of Memphis. I also moved back home. I was living in an apartment right down the street from campus, but right before Christmas I moved back home. With money issues and not being in school this semester, I decided that it would just be best if I moved home. I am actually really excited about it. With all of my health issues going on, it was best if I took a semester off to focus on myself and my health. I am thinking about attending Success Real Estate but I'm not sure if that's what I want to do for the rest of my life. The classes would be from February to March then I would have my license.How scary is that!! Oddly enough, I am not really feeling stressed about this decision. I know that my God holds my future in His hands and that He works all things for the good of those who love Him. I am just trusting God right now, and hoping for some answers. 

This is what's been going on with me recently, have a great weekend!

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