

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I Can See The Light

Hellooo guys :) I'm back, sorry I've been a little MIA

As you may already know, these past few months I have been in some sort of rut. I moved back home and I'm not in school this semester, and just a few more little things have been going on the past 4-5 months and it has been really tough on me. B U T  I can see the light! Things are starting to lighten up and I'm starting to move ahead with everything. God has spoken so much to me recently. I feel like my life has been on "pause" and I'm finally ready to push "play" and get back into the swing of things! I'm excited to update you on things that have been going on since I pushed "play" :)

A few weekends ago, I worked DNOW at my church. This was the first time that I was working a camp instead of being a camper. I was really really anxious but I just kept praying "God, if this is what you want me to do, please open the doors." Things had to be rearranged, and it all worked out. God worked things out for me to work which was a huge blessing!! I was excited but also so nervous. Thankfully, God put me with the awesome, I mean AWESOME, Kelsey Lancaster. That girl is a walking light for the Lord and I was so blessed to be able to be partnered with her as we took on this new experience together. We had four precious 7th grade girls in our group! It was so much fun! I was so anxious about my health. I was really afraid that something was going to go wrong or that I would start feeling bad. I always am anxious about that kind of thing happening but it's a different kind of panic when I'm the one in charge of other people. I feel like I would be letting other people down if I was to start feeling bad or need to take a break. I ended up doing GREAT! (I will talk more about this later on) For our mission project on Saturday, we went to the Carpenter House. The ideas and plans that they for this house are so exciting, it is going to be soon a place for the homeless to find rest and get the things they need, and I am so glad we got to be apart of that!

As I said before, I did really well the weekend of DNOW. Honestly, I was really really shocked. I was just sort of waiting for my body to get weak and for me to just start feeling terrible just because of being constantly on the go and the lack of sleep. But much to my surprise, that moment never happened! It was a true blessing from God. The following Monday, I went to Dysautonomia doctor and had a monthly ANSAR test done. This test tests on how well my Autonomic Nervous System is working (simply put.) Right when I was called back into the room, the first thing the doctor said was "Stephanie, you look fantastic. How are you feeling? Because you look like you feel so much better." I was already over the moon. I was pumped already to take the test because I was feeling better I was just wondering how to test was going to show how I was feeling. Ended up being the BEST results I have ever received!!!! I'm slowly getting better day by day, not only am I feeling it, but the doctor can see it too!! I have been able to do so much recently, I have constantly on the go doing different things during the day and having late nights then going to work, and I haven't had any moments where my body needs to just can't catch up. God is truly working through me right now and healing me. I can't praise and thank Him enough for what He has been doing through me recently. 

All the glory to Him.

The Lord gives and The Lord takes away, Blessed be the name of the Lord.


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