

Monday, June 29, 2015

past 365 days

As of today, it has been a full year since I started my blog! I can't believe it. 
This blog has gone a lot further than I ever thought was possible. I have so many readers that have told me that they read every blog post and it just blows my mind! Thank you so much for reading and going along with me through the seasons of my life! I couldn't be more blessed.

I know recently I haven't been blogging much, and I'm hoping for that to change soon. Once I start back in school I think I will have more to write about. I'm so thankful that for some reason I decided to make a blog. I love the fact that I can go back whenever I want, years from now, and read about what was going on in my life from 2014 -->

Thank you for being patient as I have not been the best blogger recently, thank you for reading about my illness and being so encouraging that I will make it through the next few years, thank you for being interested about what I'm writing about, even though some parts are very very boring. Thank you for going along with my weird jokes that I add in to my posts, and thank you for just being you :)
I have the best family and friends, thank you for encouraging me through my seasons on life!

-Steph xoxo

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