

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

"Come to Me"

"Come to Me. Come to Me. Come to Me."

On Sunday, this is how the book Jesus Calling stared. Those three short words have so much meaning to them. Just that short sentence has so much love and meaning than one would think. 

This weekend, my family and I went over to my PawPaw's house for family birthday parties (yes another family party that I am blogging about.) It's always nice to get together with family to just talk about what has been going on in our lives since the last time we saw them. Even though there are many stories that I could tell you about the party, this is a different post than the other family birthday parties posts I have written. 
After a few minutes of being at PawPaw's and saying hey to everyone, my great aunt pulled me off to the side and said she had something for me. She took me to the guest bedroom and handed me a little purple present. Before opening it she told me that she has loved reading my blog and that she got me a little "happy." When she was reading my posts she felt that God was telling her to buy me the book that she had been reading called Jesus Calling. I was so happy to get this little "happy"!! I had always wanted to buy this but never got around to it and now I know why, God wanted me to receive it from my Aunt Susie!!! 

On Sunday I started Jesus Calling. It started out by saying "Come to Me. Come to Me. Come to Me." Just sit there and think about those 3 words and picture God saying those 3 words to you. Picture a tall man wearing all white saying in a deep voice "Come to Me, *insert your name*" This really opened my eyes. I began to think about this one short saying. God, the man over millions of people, all the animals, and the moon and stars, is begging ME, a small life on this huge planet, to come to HIM, the God over this world. How crazy is that? Every day, God is trying to get my attention. All of these minuscule things are crowding my life and making my life so busy. I've been pushing God off to the side and wanting Him to wait and do things on my time. This is not how things are suppose to be done. The God of this universe is trying so hard to get my attention, through my crazy life He's been calling out to me "Stephanie, hey, Stephanie look at Me. Come to Me. I want to talk with you and spend time with you." In the book it states, "coming close to Me requires no great effort on your part." It requires not great effort on my part, but it is still so hard to stop and focus on Him in the craziness going on in life and I am personally making it hard when it takes not effort at all. Jesus suffered and died on the cross for ME so that I can live and talk to God whenever without going through anyone else or anything, and I still struggle with stopping just to talk to God when it was made that easy for me and I'm taking it for granted. 

Today, through the craziness of your day don't forget to stop and talk with God today. Thank Him for the greatness of His love and mercy. Thank Him for being patient with us.

Pray with me.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this beautiful sunny day outside. Thank you for waking me up today and loving me unconditionally. Thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross for me and my sins when it should of been me. Please forgive me for not spending as much time with You as I should and getting caught up in life and not turing to You when I should. Thank you for  Your greatness and mercy. Please open my eyes to see the richness and love that You have for me. Thank you for still pursuing me and chasing after me when I turn my back because I want to do things my own way at my own time. Please keep me safe and help me to be patient today. I love you.


Revelation 22:17
John 6:37
Ephesians 3:16-19

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