

Monday, March 30, 2015

Little Things Make Big Things Happen

Hellllooo my beautiful and wonder friends!
 I am really sorry for the lack of blog posts.... I have been sort of in a funk recently, I haven't really been myself. Have you ever just ended up at a rut in your life? Yes? Well, that's where I am right now! It stinks, but I'll make it out soon (hopefully) :) I have typed a few (four to be exact) posts but I just never had the motivation to finish them, or I didn't like the way that they sounded so I just forgot about them. B U T I am making a goal of posting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of this week! Please help keep me accountable

Since this is a lifestyle type blog, I feel as if I should share things that go on in my life. Big or small. Good or bad. As I am making strides in life, I want to be able to share these things with you! What I am about to share with you, to me, is a  M A J O R  step in my life. But to you, it may be a simple thing. It may seem to be over the top, or petty that I am writing about this "small" step but I am pretty excited about it!!

If you do not already know, I have P.O.T.S. and/or Dysautonmia. If you are unfamiliar with it or my story, you can google these terms or click here to read my post about some of my story. Anyways, I have been told by my doctor that I right now (last semester) I shouldn't worry about exercise because my normal day-to-day routine is enough. Especially when I was in school, she said that walking 20 mins to class was more than enough for what my body could handle. And also working at the daycare really wears me out!! So as you can probably guess, I listened to the doctor and didn't worry about exercise or anything like that. 

On Tuesday, my friends, Kimmie and Angel, begged me to go to the gym with them. I was quick and without hesitation said "No, it's okay guys I've never been to the gym and I'm not really suppose to exercise." But they were fast to say "Steph it's fine you can do what you can and just watch." After lots of begging and pleading ;) I gave in.

So at 11 pm, I, Stephanie Metaxas, was off to the gym for the first time. (I can see your mouth dropping right now) I was SO incredibly nervous, I did not want to get sick, I did not want to pass out, I did not want to regret this all because of peer pressure. 
<----- for your enjoyment

We headed straight to the leg work outs (?) and of course I was first to go. I started out on the lightest weight possible on every machine. I did not give up AND I did not get tired!!!!!!! I kept up with the girls and did everything that they did. I am so proud of myself!!! For a girl who can barely walk up a flight of stairs, I worked out at the gym for over an hour. Of course I occasionally was out of breath but I did not really have to stop. So I went again, tonight, for my second time and boy did I kick it up a notch ;) I added about 10-15 pounds on most of the machines AND I bench pressed (?) Aka ANGEL held the bar (yes just the bar with no weights) as I lay under it. My arms are weak guys. But the picture to the left was a weight that was 20 lbs and that was easy as pie. I guess from the kids at work.

Yes, I probably am WAY to excited about this but I m slowing showing others, and more importantly myself, that I am making progress. 2-3 years ago, I would have not been able to do a lot of these things, but if I push myself and give myself more credit I could do more things than I think!

And for more enjoyment for you, embarrassing pictures....

(and yes, last night I had to go in my chacos. I know probably not the best idea but hey I left with all 20 toes so no worries)


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