

Friday, March 6, 2015

Snow In Memphis?!

I just LOVE the snow. LOVE LOVE LOVE. It is probably the only time that I am not a complete sissy when it comes to the cold. In Memphis, we have had quite a bit of snow days in the past month. It was pretty shocking to most of us, because all winter has been like 40-50 degrees (just a guesstimate) Unfortunately, all of the snow (ice) days that we have had, I was sick. The first week I had the stomach bug then not even a week later I had strep. So I was not able to go out in the ice. But I am thankful that I was sick on the snow/ice days because I actually didn't have to call in sick at work once!!! Total God thing. In the winter time, I am always getting sick from my little friends that I just love oh-so much. I told mom that I am just a walking germ, I felt bad because after the stomach bug I thought I was fine so I went and babysat and saw lots of my friends then I ended up having strep I was so worried I was going to get people sick again. But I didn't :)

So I was extra excited for the snow today, 

1. Because it was actual snow!

2. I got to go out

My family and I got all layered up to get ready to go out sledding. Except Anna, mom was saying she was confused about what weather it was. It was so funny, she was dressed in pj pants, sweatshirt, and then a rain coat. Mom kept telling her she was going to freeze. I remember when I use to want to dress more to impress than for the cold (not saying Anna was but it just reminded me of that) As you can maybe see from the pics, I had my thick snowman coat as my friends liked to call it, my snow gloves, rain boots, and like 2 pairs of pants. We met up with our family best friends that are now our neighbors, and some of Anna's friends and family then we were off to the big hill that the whole neighborhood was sledding down.

I'm not sure how long we were out there, but it was so much fun! Everyone was sharing all of their sleds since we had a big group and one sled. Also, my sister and her friends tried to use plastic box tops but those didn't work. It was quite funny watching them try to use them. We all had our fair share of face plants! :) I am very very proud of myself, I lasted a long time out there running around and up and down the hill. I got out of breath after running up the hill, but with everything that I was doing I didn't get tired or weak, and thats a MAJOR achievement for me. If you know me really well, you know I can't do much physical activity without getting tired, weak, and out of breath. :( But hey, I can tell things are slowly getting better! Side note: a few weeks ago at work, my class had a little dance party, and I danced for over an hour laughing and swinging and dancing with the kids and I didn't get tired at all!!! I was SO proud of myself. Just thought I should share that ;)

After we got to the point to where our bums were numb and we couldn't feel our fingers and toes, we went in to eat some pizza, drink hot chocolate, and play some games. Ian and Peyton came over to hang out with us and we played Apples to Apples! It was a pretty intense game. Since there were 5 players, a player needed 7 cards to win. We got to the point where all 5 players had 6 cards!! Anna ended up winning :( but it was fun!!

I had so much fun today with all of my family and neighbors, and thankfully work is closed tomorrow so I can sleep in and recuperate after all that fun :) I hope ya'll had a great snow day! Stay safe and warm!!


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