

Friday, January 23, 2015

Moment of Truth

I just want to take a minute to tell you that college is NOT for everyone. Not only is it not for everyone, but sometimes it is not the right time for some people to attend college. I believe that college is shoved and demanded on so many high school students, when it shouldn't be. Now don't get my wrong here, college is very important, and I respect the ones who are in college for 6+ years, getting all types of degrees and things but I do not think that college should be shoved onto people like it is. In high school, a student's junior and senior year revolves solely on college applications, ACT scores, and scholarships. Everyone is competing about getting into the best school, getting the highest ACT score, and getting the most scholarships.

 Let me just take a moment and tell you how much I dislike the ACT. I despise that stupid test. For people with ADD and test anxiety, this thing is from the guy downstairs. You sit in a chair for a couple hours with a booklet and score sheet that determines your future. They expect this test to accurately show how intelligent someone is, but if you're like me the test results were far from the truth. I took the ACT at least 7 times, spent countless hours in ACT prep classes, and I still didn't manage to get a score high enough to get the HOPE scholarship. I was so over that dumb inaccurate test. I could not focus to save my life. I was so focused on I might run out of time then I would panic. Trust me, it was bad. I was that girl that shook her leg, tapped her pencil, and needed a tissue all during the test. Yep that's me.

If you didn't already catch on, I am one of those that is not made for college, or at least not at the moment. I am currently taking a semester off at the University of Memphis. I also moved back home. I was living in an apartment right down the street from campus, but right before Christmas I moved back home. With money issues and not being in school this semester, I decided that it would just be best if I moved home. I am actually really excited about it. With all of my health issues going on, it was best if I took a semester off to focus on myself and my health. I am thinking about attending Success Real Estate but I'm not sure if that's what I want to do for the rest of my life. The classes would be from February to March then I would have my license.How scary is that!! Oddly enough, I am not really feeling stressed about this decision. I know that my God holds my future in His hands and that He works all things for the good of those who love Him. I am just trusting God right now, and hoping for some answers. 

This is what's been going on with me recently, have a great weekend!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

I No Longer Dread The Winter

If you are like me, your hair does not let your forget when the winter season is upon us. When it starts getting cold outside my hair starts to drive me up the wall. If you have hair like mine that is long, straight, and thin you probably know exactly what I am talking about. I struggle to keep my hair down for a full day because it gets very stringy and staticy. It drives me literally insane. Does this happen to anyone else? I asked my sister about it and she said that her hair does not get this way and I am so jealous. When I was in high school, I know all the girls kept drier sheets in their pockets to help, and also putting lotion in your hair helps but I wanted a long lasting solution. I have put it off for years, but I just got so fed up with it lately that I went to Ulta to see what they would say.

It took awhile for me to find a consultant that knew what I was talking about. I was very anxious to spend tons of money on products that I am trying. What if I spent $20-$30 on a bottle of something and it totally does not work? I'm so cheap and the thought of that made me very anxious. I know I'm weird. Anyways, the ladies there were so helpful. When I was asking about if they had smaller bottles of the products, they pointed me right to the cheaper and smaller products. Also they mentioned that if these products did not work that I could return them and try something else. I was shocked. Anyways, I found some products that I found and I want to share my secret with you. 

The first product they led me to was
Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Tri-Wheat Leave In Conditioner. This product is amazing. I think this product has made the biggest difference. After getting out of the shower, you towel dry your hair then your spray this leave in conditioner on your roots and the rest of your hair. Then you brush your hair and go on with your normal routine. After spraying this in my hair, I instantly knew there was a difference. My hair did not have many tangles and it just felt all around cleaner. 

I have very very silky smooth hair, everyone is always complimenting it but it is annoying because my hair holds no curl, and no style whatsoever. I envy girls who can just pull their hair up in bobby pins and it stays because their hair is more rough and not as silky as mine. Mine just slides right on out the bobby pins. This product added lots of texture to my hair. At first, I was a little turned off by that because I felt like it made my hair feel dirty since I was use to it being extra silky after I showered. Now, I enjoy the added texture! 

The next product was Frizz Ease Moisture Barrier Firm Hold Hair Spray. I do not know exactly what this does as a moisture barrier. They tried to explain to be that the ions in my hair are low because its cold and so that is why it gets staticy. Who knows, they know what they were talking about and this product was only $1.99 so I was all for it. After drying my hair, I spray this on my brush then run it through my hair. Easy enough right?

These are just the things I have found that has helped my static go away in my hair. I have also thought about trying new shampoo and conditioners, but I'm not sure. What do you do to contain your frizz ball in the winter?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Blessing in Disguise

If you do not already know, I suffer from POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). If you hear me say dysautonomia, this is what I am referring to. During fall of 2013, I was diagnosed with dysautonomia. Here is my blog post that I wrote in September about my life with POTS in case you haven't read it already or you just want a refresher. Anyways, POTS is a syndrome that messes with your nervous system. This is everything that you do without thinking like your heart rate and blood pressure. I want to give a little updated on my condition and I am very fortunate.

POTS can be very serious. Many people do not know about it and it is highly misdiagnosed. People with POTS is when their body changes positions their blood pressure drops tremendously and their heart rate sky rockets. When a POTSIE stands up, their body has trouble getting blood to return to their head which usually causes them to pass out. I have been very very fortunate that I have never had this happen to me. I usually do not get dizzy from just standing up unless I do it extremely fast. I am very thankful for this because I have a huge fear of passing out. When I found out that fainting was a primary symptom, I was paranoid and I still am. The biggest thing with my body is my heart rate. When I first went to my doctor before all of my medicine, my normal heart rate averaged around 130-145. I normal healthy human heart rate ranges from 60-100. Because of this, when I am sitting down my heart is acting as if I was running a race which turns to when I stand up to do something I get very tired very easily. Thankfully, I am slowly getting better. My worst times are between 6-9 PM. I work everyday from 2-6 at a daycare where I am constantly on my feet, around when I get off I am very weak because I am exhausted and also because it is time for me to get some food in my body. I have to usually eat around every 4-5 hours, so instead of having 3 big meals I have many meals through out the day. Whenever I am eating with someone they always say something about me not eating a lot or wasting food. I always try to eat a kids meal because since I eat so much, I don't eat a normal size portion for lunch and dinner. 

Recently, I have read some blogs and watched videos of some fellow POSTIE's, I am very lucky. A lot of the women I have found are constantly in the hospital for dehydration or something that has to do with POTS. Also, a lot of these women do not work and had to drop out of school. I just always think about how good I have it. Even though it really really stinks, I can make it through the day with out passing out and I can do some normal everyday things that a lot of these women cant do. I saw on twitter under the hashtag #uknowyouhavedysautonmiawhen you have to have a shower chair when you take a shower. I can't believe this, sure it isn't fun being completely exhausted after taking a shower but I have never been to the point where I would need a shower chair. No matter what people say or what they believe, I have it pretty good. Sure it stinks and people don't believe that there is something wrong with me, but I can do pretty normal every day things I just get tired pretty easily. I dont know... I guess I'm just thinking that I am very blessed with how well I have it even though most of the time it feels like a burden.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Oh the things things things

Starting out 2015, I wanted to share with you guys the things that I am currently obsessed with. Okay obsessed is not the right term, maybe hooked on or things I like? You get the point right? There are a few things right now that I am really really enjoying that includes food, activities, things like that.

The first thing that I am OBSESSED with is... Froot Loops. Oh. My. Gosh. Froot Loops are my life at the moment. I eat them ATLEAST 2 times a day. It's bad and unhealthy I know. Right when I wake up, I have to have a bowl of Froot Loops and for some reason between 9:30 to 11:30 I have to go downstairs and have another bowl as a late night snack. Froop Loops are a must in my daily routine.

My next obsession is YouTube. Thanks to my sister, I love watching makeup and fashion youtubers. I am currently into Megahan Rienks and Estee (Essiebutton). I love watching their videos and vlogs (video blogs)just to see what they are doing with their life. Essiebutton lives in the UK so it's fun to watch her vlogs to sorta experience the UK through my computer screen. 

My next obsession is candles. I am slowly starting to like candles. I use to think women were so weird for obsessing over candles like it's just melting scented wax? But thanks to my roomate and BFF, AnnaBeth, she has an obsession with candles and she has passed it on to me. Mmmm just changing into my pjs, lighting a candle, and watching my YouTube videos after a long day at work is just so soothing. I highly recommend it. (I DO NOT buy expensive candles like from Yankee Candle. I just can't do it. The two little ones are from the Target "$1" section. Does it bother anyone else that mostly everything there is not $1?? Also, I get most of my candles from T.J. Maxx. So much cheaper)

Next is gatorade!! Yay for hydration. If you do not see me carrying a L of blue G2 then you will see my with a sonic cup. G2, Gatorade, and/or Powerade is an essential in my life. With my POTS/Dysuatonmia, I have to drink atleast one liter to keep my body hydrated. Do I? Not as much as I should. But you will always see me carrying one of those around and I have atleast 10-12 empty or have full bottles in my car rolling around. Makes for a fun ride if I need to slam on my brakes.

Omg Parenthood. I am currently at the beginning of Season 3 and I am obsessed. This show is so amazing and its on Netflix. So if you have Netflix you should watch this or add it to your list of shows you would like to watch.


You were probably wondering when I was going to get to my One Direction guys. Yes Im still obsessed, currently with their new album FOUR. Ahh its great, i'm a little upset with them though. Their tour for 2015 is not coming ANYWHERE in the south.. thats insane right? Thanks for leaving us out guys much love to ya... XX (If you did not read my insane post about my horrible experience at their concert in August, check it out here. Yes you read that right, a bad experience. You're probably thinking how could Stephanie have a bad time at their concert... well go read to find out. I promise its not a post all about the boys. Actually, I don't know if they were specifically mentioned in there at all.)

My last obsession is make up. Ahhhhhh i love it. Im learning so many new things when watching the makeup videos, its great. Currently obsessed with eyeshadow (always), make up brushes, and lipstick (mother is happy about that one.) I'm just trying to use what I learn in the videos on myself and its really really hard cause im OCD and it looks nothing like the girls on YouTube. Practice makes perfect right?

Well, that's it for my current loves. I hope it wasn't too boring for you. What are some things that you enjoy doing with your free time?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New year New goals

A new year brings new goals, new plans, and new memories. I've never been one to really make new year resolutions because everyone knows that they are basically impossible to keep and they are just fun to think about. This year instead of making a new resolution, I've decided to make some goals that I plan on doing through out the new year. (thanks to some youtubers for the inspiration)

Here are my goals that I plan to achieving throughout the year of 2015:

1. Read at least 10 books throughout the year.

I have never been a huge book reader  I do enjoy to read when I get into the mood and when I       find a good book or a good series. I want to start readings more books and hopefully at least 10 during the year. 

2. Blog more 

Yay I know you're probably excited about this one. Yes I plan on blogging more, I just haven't had the time recently to blog. I have been working on the same blogpost since before thanksgiving, I just keep forgetting or I have nothing to add to it. I want to try and blog at least once a week. Hopefully I can succeed!

3. Declutter and organize my life

If you know me well, you know my whole life is a mess. I can't keep anything nice and/or clean. I am always losing something. I got paid right before Christmas, and I just found that check yesterday... It was lost for about 3 weeks. That's how my whole life is!! I just recently moved back home (blog post about that coming up) and so everything is a huge mess right now. You'll see in the future post ;) but I just want to declutter EVERYTHING my closet, my car, my purses everything! I just am need of a huge deep cleaning

4. Organize

This kind of goes with the last goal, AFTER decluttering everything I am then going to organize it. My life is just needing some huge organization 

5. "Me day"

I want to have at least one day a week that I just have time to myself. I think that I have really been struggling to just sit back and relax. I am always on the go, and sometimes my health really suffers  from that. Sometimes I need to just say no sometimes because I can't do everything. (If you're confused on what I'm saying about my health or just need a refresher, here is my blog post about my life with POTS. 

6.  Be more creative 

I want to start doing more crafts. I love painting, sewing, knitting, scrapbooking and others. But only enough, I NEVER do any of these things anymore. Sorta like my last goal, I never have time. So hopefully on my "me day" I will just relax and work on crafts. I also would like to go to some creative classes or like yoga classes. Tell me some of the fun creative things you do!

That's all of my goals for right now! I didn't want to add so many that they would be hard to achieve!! See yall next week ;) cause I promise I'll blog next week!